ANZAC tends to march to the beat of names from overseas – Gallipoli, Villers-Bretonneux, Kokoda, Long Tan and Tarin Kot to name a few.
While these are important events in Australia’s history and culture, they are not the true heartbeat of our ANZAC tradition.
ANZAC is not really about whose side you were on, who won and who lost or about the glorification of battle.
The heartbeat of our ANZAC tradition is SERVICE.
Service that often required people to step away from their normal lives, their families and these shores to face horrendous circumstances while acting for the greater good.
ANZAC is a time to remember and reflect on the actions of those who served, including those who died and those who were wounded.
It is also a time to remember and respect those who have long carried their service wounds, physical and psychological, as a result of their service.
ANZAC Day remains a time when our country pauses, briefly, to gather, to march, to tell stories and reflect on the lives of those who stood for the greater good and offer a token of our respect for those who served.
Lest we forget.