Parent InformationPrimary

Kindergarten Parent Information for 2022


Deeper Learning

Schools are facing the challenge of preparing students for an unknown future, where “65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new jobs types that don’t yet exist” 1

The rise of automation and technology highlights the need for students to develop a range of transferable skills and competencies that can be used across disciplines and situations. The 21st-century skills for lifelong learning have been widely quoted in recent years, building from the foundational literacies, competencies and character qualities.At St Columba, we are working on the Deeper Learning Project, a whole school initiative, based on Michael Fullan’s work.

Michael Fullan has described Deeper Learning as “quality learning that sticks with you for the rest of your life”. Deep Learning includes the Six Global Competencies (or 6 Cs): creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, character, and citizenship. According to Fullan, learning should be “irresistibly engaging, elegantly efficient, technologically ubiquitous, and steeped in real-life problem solving”

The Deep Learning Competencies, better known as the 6Cs, are the competencies that each and every student needs to achieve and excel in, in order to flourish in today’s complex world. 

1. The Future of Jobs, World Economic Forum 2016
2. New Vision for Education, World Economic Forum 2015

SCAS Start

You should have received a day and time via the email sent recently informing you of your child’s teacher for 2022. These interviews happen on Wednesdays in Week 2, 3 and 4 of this term. They are 1:1 interviews, so your presence is not required. They are a chance for our teachers to really get to see where your child is starting their learning journey without the influence or distraction of others. On Wednesday, 23 February, you will have an interview with your child’s teacher. An invitation to book times will be sent out early next week.


Our English program is about promoting a love of literature as students learn the power, value and art of communicating in the many textual forms. Learning is across areas of speaking and listening, reading and viewing, spelling,  grammar,  writing and representing, handwriting and word processing skills, and reflecting on how they express themselves. For all areas, we look at how our students respond to texts and their own compositional skills.

Literacy is the fundamental skills or building blocks needed to access English. These areas are taught explicitly as well as explored within the context of English.

Home Reading

We have a strong reading program within our school, focusing on reading quality literature, which promotes the broadening of vocabulary and deeper comprehension. For this reason, in Term 1, we only send home rich texts with the expectation that parents will read with their child. At this time, the emphasis is on modelling the skills of a great reader, using expression, pausing and phrasing words in groups to build meaning. The aim is that this text is studied over the week, with a different focus each day. On the first day the focus is on listening and absorbing the story with no discussion. We provide a prompt bookmark that guides your weekly discussions.

Students begin school reading from today. During Term 1, readers happen in the classroom, and from Term 2, your child will bring home a reader for them to read to you and a rich text that you are still expected to read. In addition to this, there is a weekly focus on high-frequency words for your child to learn. Making flashcards is a great way to revise this. Having them visible for the week is really beneficial. Each day students revise these in class and read these within sentences. On a Friday these are tested. Should your child be identified as already knowing most of these words, they will be encouraged to learn to spell them.

Your child will also have access to Reading Eggs or Reading Eggspress to provide an online learning forum to revise reading and phonics skills at home.


Mathematics is another fundamental part of our lives. Students spend 3 days a week exploring number concepts and two days exploring space, geometry and measurement. The main theme in kindergarten maths is number identity, deepening their understanding of number values between 1-30 and also the comparative language of mathematics, bigger/ smaller/ longer shorter. We encourage students to investigate mathematical concepts, pose questions and challenge concepts posed. Students have access to Mathseeds as an additional online program to revise their learned skills.

Science and Technology

Our aim is to create passionate young scientists who learn skills to investigate the world they live in and explore their curiosity. Our lessons are inquiry-based with students posing questions and testing hypotheses. Students also learn how to present and analyse results and ways to communicate their findings to others. From Term 2, they will also be involved in lessons where the specific focus is on teaching and promoting sustainable practices and respect for our wonderful environment.

Geography and History

The focus for these units is for your child to learn more about oneself and the immediate environment in which they live as they begin to use tools and develop skills needed by historians and geographers. The first semester will focus on history, exploring their own histories in Term 1 and then exploring how their family histories influence their own lives. Later in the year, they will study maps/images and landmarks within their immediate environments of the home and school.

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Our PDHPE program is a strength-based program that aims to build knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes important for students to take positive action to protect and enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing in varied and changing contexts.

Your child will engage in physical activity every day of the week, playing structured games, participating in gross motor activities and learning to climb, swing and balance. On a Friday kindergarten has an allocated longer sports session where they engage in ball skill development, and later athletics skills are on a Friday. Therefore, they wear sports uniforms to school on a Friday (remain in them all day). It is also recommended to pack extra water on this day during the warmer months.

Primary Behaviours for Learning

We have three main pillars that guide our behaviours at SCAS. We unpack these explicitly as part of our well-being program and embed them into all parts of our school.

The Primary Behaviours for Learning

Social Skills

At SCAS, we have a strong wellbeing program that addresses the need for us to explicitly teach social competency skills to ensure all children can positively interact with others in society, moving from being predominantly ‘me thinkers’ to ‘thinking about others’. Students learn that their thoughts control their feelings and that people have varied responses to others based on how they behave. They also learn about expected and unexpected behaviours and how unexpected behaviours make people feel uncomfortable and less calm. We encourage the use of this language at home as well as at school.

Zones of Regulation

This program is also part of our social skills program, specifically focusing on teaching students how to identify emotional reactions within themselves and others and learn strategies to manage these emotions. Our message is that we are still learning to do this through life and need to share with your child that we all experience a myriad of emotions in our day. What matters most is how we manage these emotions in terms of defining the rest of our day.

Creative and Performing Arts

Please note: Performing Arts Hour occurs every Monday. Kindergarten will need to attend school in their sports uniform.

What do they do in Kindergarten Primary Performing Arts Hour at St Columba Anglican School?

The Performing Arts classroom directly links to content and concepts explored in the Kindergarten classroom and wellbeing. Participation and collaboration is key to the success of Performing Arts Hour. Each lesson is designed to deepen cognitive learning through sensory engagement and arts embodiment learning. Performing Arts hour stresses the interrelated relationship between body, mind and environment. Providing a deeper learning experience for students to develop their 21st-century skills through creative and fictional settings that explore real concepts relevant to their world; concepts such as cultural diversity, empathy, globalisation, sustainability. Primary Performing Arts Hour presents dance, drama and music in one multidisciplinary classroom setting. On a wider scale, it provides students with transferable skills that connect a cognitive understanding of curriculum subjects with physical embodiment and creative thinking. Students learn through being creators rather than passive consumers of knowledge. 

The lessons are designed to make it possible for students of little or no dance, music or drama experience to have as much success as those who have had the opportunity to have years of training in one or more of the subjects. The aim is to build collaborative skills, allow students to create through experimentation and participation.


In Kindergarten, we build basic skills and nurture a love of music through being “Tuneful, Beatful and Artful”. We learn through play, props, games, fun, laughter. There are many ways to help and encourage these skills at home. Sing with your child and get them to share their songs from school. Play all kinds of music; tap your foot to the beat, dance, move. Students receive a 1-hour lesson per week and also have a 30-minute singing session — this session will integrate some of the themes from their classroom programs (e.g. rhymes in Term 1).

Visual Arts

Kindergarten have one Visual Arts lesson a week in the Primary Art room. To start with, the students will learn some routines such as putting their smock on, using different materials in the art room and tidying up. They will begin their Visual Arts journey with some general drawing and painting activities. From Term 2, their artworks will be inspired by what they are learning about in the classroom. At the end of Term 4, we celebrate all the children’s work with our SCASArt exhibition. Please ensure that their art smocks have their name on them, these stay in their classroom and are brought to the lesson each week as needed.


Christian Studies and Chapel

SCAS is a faith-based school, and therefore follows the ethos of the Anglican Church of Australia. We have the privilege of attending a weekly Chapel service. In addition, your child will have a half-hour Christian Studies lesson each week, following a book called Beginning With God. Some of the take home pages will be shared with you throughout the year. Your child will undertake to memorise verses of Scripture which they will hopefully carry with them for life. Junior Crusaders is an optional lunchtime club where we delve into what it means to live our life the Jesus way. Drama, colouring, singing and Bible stories comprise this time together.

Other Opportunities


Your child will visit the Glasshouse on Tuesday 15 March to see the performance of the well-loved children’s book, ‘Edward the Emu’. They will also visit a farm to learn more about the production of food in sustainable ways. Beyond these, your child will enjoy several incursions and special activities throughout the year.

Co-curricular Activities

SCAS is a world of opportunities, so it is not surprising that we have a vast co-curricular program. Your child can choose to be involved in dance, crusaders, gardening club, skipping club or reading buddies (from Term 2). As they progress through school, the opportunities increase, as they learn to manage their time and become less fatigued by the school day itself. All information about the activities available as well as time and location can be found on Explain SCAS.

Establish Routines

Morning Routine

Your children will learn the “expected behaviours” from today. They must put their lunchbox and water bottle into a tub and put their diaries onto their desk. As we are a “no hat, no play” school, please also encourage them to check they have their hat in their bag each day. It is a great idea to have a spare hat which is left at school.

Our main message that helps with organisation is to label everything as clearly and in as many places as you can.

Drop Off and Pick Up Routines

Drop off for the first few weeks is in our library just the same as this morning with parents separating from students before they enter the library. The library is a great meeting point where many distractions can be provided. Should your child have difficulty separating, which seems to happen to all at some point and often when least expected or needed, you can seek support from a staff member. At this point ensure you have already said goodbye. The staff member will aim to distract your child and give you get away time. If this happens please go. Do not stay for one more kiss as this generally promotes more prolonged distress. Over time this separation gets easier.

Please write your child’s afternoon routine in their diary for the first week or so, until you have completed a form from your child’s teacher indicating the general routine your child will follow. After this time you are only required to write any changes to routine in your child’s diary on that day. Any last-minute changes to routine should be communicated through our primary office, preferably before 1pm if possible.

Uniform and Presentation

We aim for a sense of pride and belonging to the School. How we wear the uniform says a great deal about who we are as a community and how we value the School. Please visit our uniform and presentation page on Explain SCAS if unsure.

The main issues seem to be:

  • School shoes must be black leather (velcro or buckle up allowed for Kindergarten to Year 2 students who not confident with laces).
  • Hairstyles for boys must be a traditional style (not shaved designs of clippers less than #3). For girls, hair below the shoulder must be tied back with white, maroon or navy elastic, ribbon or plain scrunchie. Larger bows, scrunchies or other coloured accessories are permitted.
  • Earrings are only permissible for girls and must be a single pair of small sleepers or small plain studs with no stones.

Eating Procedures

Students will be encouraged to crunch on fruit or vegetables and drink water at some stage during their morning and middle learning sessions. During lunch breaks, students are given 10 minutes of designated eating time where no play is allowed. Healthy food is encouraged, and please make sure all lunch boxes and drink bottles are labelled clearly.

9.50am to 10.20am — Fruit Break (no canteen available)
11.20am to 12.00pm — Long Break (no canteen available Term 1 except lunch orders)
1.30pm to 2.00pm — Short Break (canteen available Mon, Wed and Fri only)

The ‘no hat no play’ rule applies during break times as well as during Sport and PE.

Sustainable Lunches

This year we are completely rubbish free or at least that is our intent. We encourage healthy lunches that are free from rubbish and waste. Our canteen is also pursuing this as much as possible. Should your child bring rubbish home this is just our way of teaching them to look for other ways to wrap/package lunches.


Our school has a wonderful canteen, The Lunch Box, where orders can be placed. During Term 1, we do not allow Kindergarten students to go to the canteen for snack purchases as we prefer them to use their playtime socialising with friends. We do have a special time on Friday short break where we allow them to purchase from the canteen and allocate a support teacher to assist them through this process. Therefore Friday is the day for money to come in. Please also keep this to only a few dollars as young children are not aware of the value of money and often feel compelled to keep purchasing until all money is spent.

From Term 2, students can purchase at any break time although we do encourage you to limit this as it does detract from time interacting with peers as they wait in lines and then eat their food.


The only compulsory homework is reading and frequency word revision. That said, some days this won’t happen, and that is okay occasionally. We use a grid system that allows your child to have choice within their homework as well as some must-do activities. We encourage mindful activities and also for your child to participate in physical activity as well. In this way, we are teaching your children about the importance of balance in their lives. This year homework will be placed on the Google Classroom. More information will follow regarding this.

Support Staff

Kindergarten classrooms have daily teacher support with Mrs Olsen, Mrs Connerty and Mrs Malvern.


News will run as part of our talking and listening program. Many of these activities require no preparation. Those that do will be allocated as a homework task.

Digital Technologies

Every child in today’s world needs to be digitally literate and digitally aware. In Kindergarten, students will have the opportunity to use iPads, computers and BeeBots (programmable robots). 


During the week your child is involved in a variety of lessons. The first block of the day consists of uninterrupted numeracy and literacy time. Each class will receive an additional schedule for the days of the week which require additional materials such as Library, Sport, etc.

Parent Helpers

We love having parents assist our students with their learning and hope this will resume when COVID-19 regulations allow.


If you have not already downloaded the SEQTA Engage app, then we strongly encourage you to do so as all our links can be accessed through the app. Our main reference if unsure of anything is Explain SCAS. If you cannot find your answer here, please email it through, and we may add that information to the database. Your child’s diary is their organisational tool and all communication in the diary is about helping that. Should you wish to meet with your child’s teacher, please avoid doing this before school unless this has been organised prior. Our recommendation is to speak in person or verbally on the phone. Email can be sent to teachers for minor issues or inform them of something, but please remember they are generally not on emails during school time, so they may not reply.

Parents and Friends

The St Columba Anglican School P&F Association offers members of the SCAS community the opportunity to develop friendships within the School community and to participate in and contribute to the life of the School. The Association works enthusiastically to provide a wide variety of events and activities to involve the school community. Community spirit is greatly valued at St Columba — much of this community spirit is attributable to the volunteers who work for the school through the P&F Association. The P&F also enhance the school’s facilities and resources by generating funds to assist in their purchase.

If you would like further information on the St Columba Anglican School P&F, please contact via email to or join the SCAS Parents and Friends Facebook group.

Finally, a quote to remind you all that every child’s learning journey is unique and special.

Children learn at different rates and we can only support and encourage them to do their best.

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