Leadership is seen in many forms at SCAS:
- The new SLC team whose members spent hours trying to locate new images that could be used for the slideshow presentation at Assembly;
- A special baked by Lilly in Year 11 for someone who needed a reminder that they were valued;
- Trekking Kokoda in the holidays;
- The sports people who sacrifice time to represent their school;
- The Year 10 History classes who brought battle-hardened Vietnam War Veterans to tears when showcasing their documentary skills and helping to immortalise their sacrifices in war.
These are only a few examples of the leadership culture that is deeply entrenched within our school community.
Before the 2018 Girl School Captain Alex Hawes graduated last term, she wrote a note with a powerful message that our 2019 SLC Team has embraced. Alex wrote, “leadership is fundamentally about serving and making sure everyone is heard along the way.”
With this key message, the 2019 SLC Team have decided to award community service leaders in our school community.
Recently, a special example of leadership was revealed to the SLC, an example of leadership one crochet loop at a time. This student had painstakingly but lovingly hand-crocheted a blanket for the Women’s Refuge in town. This act not only demonstrated her talents but also showed her humanitarian heart.
She was mentored by a Vietnam Veteran to complete this task and a few weeks ago she finished the blanket, which will now be used to provide warmth and comfort to those in crisis care. The Vietnam Veteran mentor to this student, Mr Roger Mika, noted that he “was so proud of her for battling through and completing this project – a testament to her as an incredible young lady.”
The SLC team have presented this young leader with a small voucher to Spotlight. It is hoped this small token of appreciation may inspire her to continue to help others, one crochet loop at a time.
Congratulations, Sarah Rowling in Year 10.
Peta Watters, Leadership Coordinator