The recent Nambus visit was an overall great educational experience, giving many of the Year 10 students an opportunity to learn about Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.
The bus contained an extensive range of photographs, artefacts, models and memorabilia which enriched our understanding of Australian servicemen and women’s involvement in the Vietnam War.
The Vietnam Veterans were absolutely amazing in the ways that they communicated their wartime experiences, with an interactive and insightful approach. It was great to see how such complicated ideas were able to be conveyed in such an entertaining manner – we even got to see Miss Watters spinning around the room as a helicopter as we learnt of the many different aspects of the armed services.
We appreciated the Veterans visiting St Columba, and future Year 10 students will no doubt look forward to this opportunity in future years.
Written by Year 10 Students, Abby Rose Koch and Paulina Saacks