
Primary Producers Enlighten our Geographers

Our Year 10 Geography students partook in the second annual SCAS “TEDx inspired” sustainable agriculture talks. Students and staff alike were privileged to hear from three local primary producers that are at the forefront of sustainable and regenerative agriculture.

Jeremy Bradley and Cathy Eggert from Beechwood Biological Solutions spoke to the students about the practical application of soil microbiology and the development of biomimicry in the agricultural sector. Jeremy impressed the year group with his extensive knowledge and understanding of soil microbiology and his work with Jeremy described his research and development of microbial biotechnology that offers benefits, not only in agricultural productivity and sustainability but offers a powerful technology in fighting climate change. Cathy Eggert also inspired many of the students with her humble and dedicated approach to organic and regenerative farming that has transformed their property west of Port Macquarie into a pristine oasis of agricultural productivity and an ecological stronghold within the Hastings Valley.

Finally, the very “Fair Dinkum” Chris Eggert from Oxhill Organics, described his certified organic farm on the Mid North Coast of NSW. Chris told the students of how his family has farmed here for four generations and over that time have changed their approach to an agricultural practice committed to sustainably producing quality, nutrient-dense food. Chris truly inspired the year group with his honest and extremely funny accounts of how Oxhill functions and how they are a dedicated family business committed to growing and producing the best organic food you can eat.

As a thank you to the speakers each geography class sponsored a hectare of research with, which we hope will help them research and develop a practical and sustainable approach to not only the agricultural sector but the possible reduction of carbon in our atmosphere and the subsequent benefits for human-induced climate change.

Please check out the following websites for more information on our speakers:

Thanks and remember “Dirty hands are wealthy hands”,

– Mr Tejcek

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