Parent InformationPrimary

Primary School Camp Program 2022

At St Columba, our goal is to make school camps rewarding and enriching experiences for every student. We know that for some children, being away from their families can be challenging and perhaps daunting. However, we trust that you understand these experiences to be an important part of our curriculum, catering to your child’s social, physical and emotional development.

Year 6 students will be visiting Canberra in Term 2 2022 (Monday 23 May to Friday 27 May). This five-day camp experience will ensure our students understand the importance of democracy in our nation’s development and give them the opportunity to visit significant places such as the Australian War Memorial and the National Gallery of Australia.

Years 3 and 4 will have a three-day outdoor education experience at various locations in Term 1 2022 (Monday 7 March to Wednesday 9 March). This is an essential component of our program as an opportunity to make new friends, build cohesion among the classes and have lots of fun. Year 3 and 4 will head to Great Aussie Bush Camp.  The Thursday following camp will include a Reflection and Personal Development day that will commence at 11:30am. This will allow students and staff to have a sleep in and additional rest if needed.  For parents who are required to send their children for 8:50am, there will be supervision at school for children to read and have a quiet morning with Mr Cockington.

Year 5 will have a four-day experience to Somerset Outdoor Learning, Colo River in Term 1 (Monday 7 March to Thursday 10 March). This organisation is an excellent provider who will work with our staff to ensure a fantastic experience for our students. The Friday following camp will not be an attendance day for Year 5 students and staff.  For parents who are required to send their children to school, there will be supervision provided by Mr Cockington.

The Year 2 Sleep Out program (Friday 4 November) will aim to achieve many goals both in the educational sphere and in the areas of personal and social skill development. The camp will be an important part of preparing for the Year 3 compulsory camp program that will be off-site for two nights. Students will return to school to talk and reflect on their camp experience. Coping with personal care and hygiene, organising clothing and belongings and eating food prepared beyond the home are all sound learning opportunities. For our younger students, it is the difference in learning outside the classroom that creates excitement and challenge.

Year 1 students will have a Late Night at School in Term 4 (Friday 11 November). This fun evening is an excellent opportunity for our students to stretch their independence skills before the camp program begins in Year 2.

Our camp program is one of the many opportunities at St Columba that helps build resilient children and build great relationships between students and staff.

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