
SCAS hosts NSW History Teachers’ Association Professional Development Day

SCAS has hosted the first ever NSW History Teachers’ Association Professional Development Day in Port Macquarie. Day one saw 14 staff from local Primary Schools attended workshops about source use, perspective and contestability in History, and the historical inquiry process. On day two over 45 Secondary Teachers were involved with some very experienced presenters running information sessions and workshops covering current issues and developments in History teaching in NSW, with particular focus on the new HSC syllabuses.

We would like to thank each of our presenters for sharing their expertise and time with us – Kate Cameron (HTANSW Alumni Member), Paul Kiem (HTANSW Professional Officer), Robyn McKenzie (HTANSW Vice President), Allan Wheatland (MacKillop High School) and Jonathan Dallimore (HTANSW Director). A huge thank you goes also to Ms Peta Watters who was instrumental in getting this event up and running in Port Macquarie. Her passion for teaching and for History is second to none and we thank her for all the preparation she undertook to make this day such a smooth and successful time.

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