
Sports Awards 2018

Congratulations to the entire SCAS community for another fantastic year in the sports arena. The many sporting achievements of our students were formally acknowledged at the recent Primary and Secondary Sports Awards Ceremonies.

Olympic boxer Shelley Watts was the guest speaker at both ceremonies and spoke about the ladder to success. We thank Shelley for inspiring our students to strive for excellence.

Below is the address given by Principal, Mr Terry Muldoon.

The ideal

Since this school was founded more than 16 years ago, we’ve been focussed on offering our students the greatest opportunities possible.

We believe opportunity is the light that keeps a young person’s spirit alive.

We have worked hard to keep opportunity alive, in the exam room, in the music and now, most definitely in sport.

Why sport is worth the effort

  • Studies have also found that sport can enhance the learning potential of children. Students that participate in sport while studying have greater expectation of results and can achieve higher marks.
  • They also enjoy a greater connection with their school through building stronger relationships in school (and away from it), and feel a greater attachment to family.

Sport skills matter just as much off the field

1) Sports help you learn how to compete both mentally and physically. Life involves lots of obstacles and competition. Becoming comfortable with competition early is an advantage.

2) Sports help you learn your limits and control your body. If you never push your limits, you never know where your limits are.

3) How to turn a loss today into a win tomorrow. Sports you how to win gracefully and almost more importantly how to lose. Sport can teach you how to turn mistakes and losing into a learning experience,  to stand up straight after a bad loss, how to listen to criticism, and know what to do better next time.

4) “The will to succeed means nothing without the will to prepare.”Games are not won on the day of the game – but rather in the weeks and months that lead up to the contest.  The team that is the most prepared is the team that will win.

5) The little things can make a big difference. Making just one extra play, a second off task here, a forced decision there can make all the difference for better or worse. Capitalizing on just one extra opportunity, doing the little things right can mean the difference between winning and losing.

6) A team can be stronger than the sum of its parts. When you play together as a team you can accomplish far more than when you play as a collection of individuals.

7) It’s important to always have a game plan. There must always be a game plan and everyone must believe in the plan.  Everyone “buying in” or believing in the plan is the most important thing – even more important than the actual quality of the plan.

8) Everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing everyone’s different and has unique strengths and weaknesses – and recognizing your own strengths and weaknesses is the only ways to achieve the best result for the team.

9) Energy is contagious and morale can make or break a team. Excitement is easy to bring to the table and leads to positive momentum for the whole team or group.

10) A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Holistic health is essential for optimal mental performance and exercise improves the function of the brain.


Some say that today playing sports is all about winning at all costs. It often seems that in all of that the passion and the love for the game that we start out with can be lost. Let’s remember why we play.

There is a real art in losing well and a pride found in personal achievement and having a go.

Sport is not always about winning, it is about the lessons along the way.

The future

Play for yourself, play for your teammates, remember why you fell in love with your sport.

Cherish every season, every game, every practice.

You are now part of a great and growing sporting tradition.

Enjoy the ride!


Major Sports Awards Recipients 2018

Primary Sports Awards

AwardMale Recipient Female
Junior Sports Person of the YearTrent AlleyLucy Lund
Senior Sports Person of the YearMichael VandorosGrace Curran

Team of the Year : Year 5 and 6 Netball Team

Secondary Sports Awards

AwardMale RecipientFemale Recipient
Junior Sports PersonLaura ReynoldsCooper Hone
Secondary Sports PersonAnneliese Cains and Olivia StanleyJesse Beard and Jack Mills
Senior Sports PersonJoe Begbie Grace Bannon

Team of the Year : Under 16s Volleyball Team



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