
Spring Activities in the Garden

The Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 Garden Club and EnviroKids have enjoyed some glorious times in the garden recently.

We weeded, prepared the soil with compost and lime and watered it in before we planted a range of seedlings.

Tomatoes, beetroot, lots of silverbeet and chard, chives and lettuce now supplement our lovely kale and nasturtiums.

To protect the seedlings we surrounded them with lots of mulch to keep the moisture in. Our worms, too, have been very busy, generating lots of worm tea and our seedlings really enjoy soaking it up.

We did some harvesting of radishes from the garden beds behind the Year 6 classrooms and we discovered that vegetables certainly grow in funny ways. Most of the radishes were inedible – they were far too big and completely dry. They tasted very bland and woody. What was remarkable was how they grew… completely wonky. This raised the question about does it really matter that it isn’t perfect? It really was a fantastic discussion point for the children. One radish was small and juicy, which everyone willingly had a taste of. Sharp and peppery but not really a favourite!

Now it is back to work, tending our beautiful seedlings and looking forward to bumper crops in Term 4. If any parents would like to join us in the garden, you will find us there on Wednesday during lunch. Our motto is ‘many hands make light work’.

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