We look forward, with excitement, to the return of staff and students for the new school year.

Having once again cemented our school’s position as one of the top performing regional schools in the state, we look forward to an even more exciting and successful year in 2023.
With a mix of returning and new students, we look forward to a year that shows, once again, that we offer an education that can be the equal of that offered in the capital cities.

Having continued to grow and evolve through years of drought, bushfire and pandemic, we are sure that our school will take whatever the new year presents to us and respond in a manner that not only affirms our academic credentials, but offers our students examples of resilience, a positive and affirming community approach and the ability to grow,no matter what the circumstances.

In a world where change and uncertainty have become the dominant reality, St Columba offers its community the certainty that, no matter what happens in 2023, our students will be offered a safe, engaging and world class education that will play a key role in securing for them a successful future.

Want to share your thoughts on this story, or do you have something you’d like to add? Email me at principal@scas.nsw.edu.au