Please find here some suggested self-care and support resources for parents and students:
- Black Dog Institute
- eSafety Commissioner online safety kit
- Reach Out
- Lifeline Australia
- Headspace
- Headstream Magazine
- Beyond Blue
- Kids Helpline
A reminder of our Wellbeing Framework, the Five Ways to Wellbeing:

Connect with the people around you — even in a distanced mode so you are still connected to others. Invest time into relationships that matter. Play board games and laugh with your family, write a letter to an old friend or call up extended family and grandparents, FaceTime someone you haven’t seen for a while.

This is a prime opportunity to learn something new, take up an instrument, learn to sew, learn a language on Duolingo, pursue a totally new interest — use YouTube to teach yourself something new, be creative, try some art therapy, be thorough in your approach to learning in your online lessons.

There are still lots of ways to be active, go for a run, do a Fit Ball class at home, go bushwalking, bike riding, Yoga, swim in our beautiful ocean, do some gardening, complete some online workouts- your mental health depends on keeping you body moving, so make sure you allocate time for this.

Be mindful of every aspect of your life, notice your breathing, ensure your breathing is even on the inhale and on the exhale, consciously relax, take time to do nothing- just enjoy the sounds and feel of life with no external stimuli. Take time for prayer and personal reflection, even just spend time being with or just listening to God. Be grateful for nature and all the small things good in your life. Start a gratitude diary.

Do something nice for someone, support others, make a meal for the family, clean the house, mow the lawn, mow the neighbour’s lawn, approach others with a smile, share resources where you can, give time, love and support to all others.