Throughout 2021 and continuing in 2022, all Primary students have been actively involved in sustainability lessons in the classroom and outdoors, learning about the importance of pollinators in our environment. This year, we are excited to bring in some native bees into our Stage 1 garden to support our learning.
To observe, wonder, understand and enhance our knowledge and appreciation of bees for biodiversity and ecosystems is critical to the importance of survival for all living things. St Columba Anglican School is one of 1,609 primary schools and early learning centres throughout Australia that have received a Woolworths Junior Landcare grant to help grow our next generation of environmental champions.
The grants are being funded with a 10c contribution from each sale of the Woolworths Bag for Good at full price, which was launched in 2018 when Woolworths went single-use plastic bag free.

The children and teachers are looking forward to working and learning from this project and we’ll keep you updated on the results. We have already actively started planting more native plants in the Stage 1 garden area, to help support our new workers!
You can view the Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant map to read about our project and others.