From the Principal

Work with the best to be the best

The educational research is clear, when students work with other students who value learning and aim high, their results improve.

Working with the best works for students and the same goes for schools.

We attract a range of incredibly dedicated staff to deliver exceptional teaching and learning, but we also ally ourselves with other high performing educational institutions.

These partnerships are designed to offer our students and staff access to the very best in education.

For example, for the last two years St Columba has been working with University of Melbourne to develop a world first assessment system (New Metrics) that identifies and acclaims student achievements in the 21st century skills that universities, industry and commerce recognise as the keys to career success.

Why work with Melbourne University ? Well…..“Melbourne is home to two of the world’s 50 top-ranked universities for the first time, with Monash surging into second place in Australia, behind the University of Melbourne which held its spot as Australia’s highest-ranked university. The two Victorian institutions are the only Australian universities to finish in the top 50.” SMH, October 12, 2022.

St Columba also has developed an ongoing relationship with Charles Sturt University that allows our Year 10 students to complete a university preparation course, guaranteeing them access to university after graduation, and then allowing them to study a range of undergraduate courses while they complete the Higher School Certificate.

Why work with Charles Sturt? Well….

  • Charles Sturt University ranks first among all 39 Australian universities for full-time employment and median salaries of graduates;
  • 85 percent of Charles Sturt undergraduate students are in full-time employment within four months of graduating;
  • Charles Sturt also achieves industry-leading outcomes in study areas of agriculture and environment; business and management; humanities; social sciences; law; nursing; social work; and veterinary science.

Good Universities Guide, 2023.

These are only two of the partnerships that St Columba has developed in a strategic thrust to break down the artificial barriers between school, university and industry.

We also have partnerships with a range of performing arts organisations, including the Australian Ballet, educational entities and sports and health groups.

Over the next two years our goal is to develop links that will allow our students to access real-world/hands-on experience in areas like the medical sciences, STEM, building and engineering, financial services and environmental careers that will enhance their career and world preparedness.

This links closely with our Deep Learning education philosophy.

The latest report by Mitchell Institute at Victoria University finds schools must be supported to partner with industry and community to better prepare all students for work and life. Schools alone can’t foster the many skills and capabilities students need to thrive in the digital age.

Future jobs need skills that many schools struggle to develop in students.

And why do we do this? Well…..Our stated goal is to be the most outstanding school in NSW and mediocrity or staying the same in a rapidly changing world is not good enough.

“When groups accept mediocrity, growth and performance stagnate. Making the transition from good to great organisation doesn’t require a high-profile CEO, the latest technology, innovative change management, or even a fine-tuned business strategy. Instead, they are never afraid of giving up the good to go for the great because the good never quite pays off the same way. Seriously, why accept mediocrity when excellence is an option? “

Being good will never be enough for St Columba!

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