A minimum standard in literacy and numeracy is required to receive the HSC from 2020, to reflect the importance of literacy and numeracy in daily life. HSC students will need to meet the HSC minimum standard in three areas: reading, writing and numeracy. These are assessed through online tests held at school.
In 2017, these standards were linked to NAPLAN results. This changed in 2018, and from 2019, all students in Year 10 will be required to meet these HSC minimum standards.
Students in our current Year 10 cohort who needed to complete the minimum standards have started undertaking these tests. All of the students who sat the numeracy assessment achieved the Australian Core Skills Framework Level 3 or above, which has been deemed the required standard for the HSC. In addition, 100% of the students who recently undertook the reading assessment have also achieved the required standards.
These students have diligently applied themselves to their learning and the hard work has been reflected in these results. Our teachers have also supported students with additional learning sessions before school.
Congratulations to all the students who have recently achieved the required standard for HSC numeracy.