On Friday 8th June at ye Olde SCAS, a lively group of Year 4 individuals arrived in colonial garb, looking forward to some adventure. What was to be their fate?
Sergeant Kennedy and his “trusted” convict, James Murphy AKA James Watt, were waiting for us to arrive in Olde England. Little did we know, if you have a wife when you are transported to Australia a parcel of land would be waiting for you. The convict had his eye on Mrs Chambers for marrying to acquire his land. Oh what a catch!
Next, Sergeant Kennedy took us on a march where he introduced us to replica weapons that were used by the English of these times. The students had a great time looking at the sergeant’s sword, rifle and pistol and handling the pike to resist a simulated charge by horseback.
We then marched back to ye Olde Iona Centre to look at how convicts lived crammed in their cells. Poor Mrs Newman was chained with a spiked collar to prevent any male convicts getting near.
Magistrate Rikin and Clerk of the Court Elijah heard from Plaintiff Meadow about a serious matter that could result in transportation. Unfortunately for the “trusted” convict, he was guilty and transported to Australia for his crimes.
On arrival in Australia we learned about a man who was keen to find a wife in the new colony. Archie knew that the Female Factory in Parramatta was the place to go as there were a plethora of eligible women from which to choose. They were all extremely keen, but he finally selected Katie to be his wife. The ceremony was beautiful and the happy couple were greeted with cheers as they proceeded down the aisle.
Convict Gooding was up to a spot of no good and narrowly avoided being whipped by the cat of nine tails… there were many disappointed individuals after hearing the verdict, but Mrs Gooding was understandably relieved.
The final act of the day involved a bit of a scam where skilled labour was trapped into being transported to the new colony. Sophia was the perfect person to wear the black velvet band, convincing Ben, an unsuspecting tradesman, to come forth for a beverage. Next Lord Gabriel arrived. Sophia set poor Ben up so it looked as though he stole Lord Gabriel’s watch. This resulted in Ben’s transportation to Australia. Not great for Ben, but great for Australia with more skilled labour arriving.
The Year 4 students and staff had a great day learning about colonial times and transportation to Australia. The presenters really captured the spirit of the time and the staff and students, in their period garb, learnt a great deal through their involvement which complemented their in class learning.