
Year 6 Canberra Camp

Earlier this term, Year 6 began the long drive to our nation’s capital for our Government Excursion.  Our coach drivers Michael and Vince from Australia Wide Coaches accompanied us throughout the trip and were very knowledgeable about places of interest in and around Canberra.  

Our time in Canberra was busy and exciting.  We learned about preferential voting at the Electoral Education Centre and saw Jackson Pollock’s paintings at the National Art Gallery. We debated a bill in the House of Representatives while at Parliament House.  The Royal Australian Mint was fascinating and the multi-million dollar, high-tech pool at the Australian Institute of Sport was incredible. We are now well-educated about Australian war history after our visit to the Australian War Memorial. The galleries at Questacon were an enriching, educational, and fun experience.

Thank you to all the teachers who accompanied us on our trip.  The students and staff would also like to acknowledge the generous contribution made by the Commonwealth Government under the PACER Program, whereby students are subsidised to allow them to visit our nation’s capital.

Kylie Rosenbaum, Year 6 Teacher
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