
End of Term Message from the Head of Primary School

I would like to thank all of our St Columba families for their support as our school community responded to the challenges of COVID. What has become evident is that under high-pressure circumstances, our families and staff rallied to care for our children’s educational and emotional well being. We saw a full-time return to school in Week 3 which was welcomed by staff, students and parents alike. Students love being at school, and that is a testament to the dedication and passion of teachers and the strength of our family partnerships.

Whilst co-curricular and additional learning experiences have been minimised to essential services, what has become evident is the clarity of the school’s vision and quality of offerings for our students. From Year 3’s Australia—You’ve Got Talent, Willy Wonka novel studies in Year 2, to Rube Goldberg machines in Year 6, St Columba has not skipped a beat in fun and exciting classroom activities. 

In Term 2, our staff professional development has continued our focus on the deeper learning framework (6Cs) and the SCAS Values, which we use to guide our Primary Learning Behaviours. Online Resources for parents have been under development throughout COVID and we will continue to share these through social media and virtual information nights.  

Along with the curriculum focus, our staff are responding to the parent survey conducted last year in regards to Assessment and Reporting. This year we have reinvented Progressive Reports to show individual progress in three core areas throughout the year, rather than a snapshot of different activities. These work samples and videos demonstrate progress in reading, writing and understanding number concepts. Reports have been released to parents every five weeks through SEQTA Engage. Early next term, parents will receive a new format in Semester Reports that will incorporate strength and target areas for your child in English and Mathematics, along with achievement levels in all Key Learning Areas. Our Data and Reporting Manager, Mrs Stephanie Cairns, will provide further details next term.

While the activities around the School were minimised, we were still able to celebrate Wellness Week, and this was—as always—a highlight for staff and students. Mr Hilberts, our Deputy Director of Wellbeing, planned an array of activities including Lego Masters, the 1km Run Challenge, Body Balance, Staff Trivia Competition, ‘Wellbeeing’ Talk by Mrs Caitlin, and the culminating activity of a Playground Camp Out! What a week!

I hope all families have a safe and relaxing holiday break. It is very much needed. Again, a big thank you to our families from all the Primary School staff.  

Shannon Rosewood
Head of Primary
St Columba Anglican School
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