
Primary School Public Speaking 2020

The Primary School Public Speaking program for Years 2 to 6 is a great opportunity for students to develop their speech-writing and presentation skills, as well as providing our best public speakers the chance to compete at the HRIS Public Speaking Competition later this year.

The Primary School Public Speaking Program 2020

Topic: Free choice for Years 2 to 4, Years 5 and 6 will be given their topic on the morning of their speeches.
Time Limit: Strictly 2 minutes.
Rules: No props will be permitted.

Students in Years 2, 3 and 4 will be given class time to prepare a talk on a topic of their choice. Students may choose to refine and practise their speech at home but no speeches are to be written at home. Class teachers will advise when they will be listening to their presentations.

Years 5 and 6 students will be writing their speech in class on the morning of Monday 23 March. They will be advised of the topic during the morning and teachers will listen to these speeches after Long Break of the same day.

The top nine students from each grade will participate in the St Columba Anglican School Public Speaking finals to be held in The Iona Theatre on Thursday 2 April. The winner, plus three runners up (Years 3 to 6 only) will be invited to attend the HRIS Public Speaking Competition to be held at St Phillip’s Christian College, Cessnock on 19 June. Teacher recommendation will determine which category the students will participate in at the HRIS event. The categories are prepared speech; impromptu reading, poetry reading and Bible reading.

Please see your class teacher if you have any questions about the Primary School Public Speaking program.

Tips for Public Speaking

  • Stand and present confidently
  • Avoid distracting mannerisms (e.g. swaying, touching hair)
  • Use eye contact to assist in conveying the message to the audience
  • Change the tone and volume of your voice but still keep it natural
  • Any hand or facial gestures should be natural and appropriate
  • Use palm cards for a prepared speech
  • Choose a topic that you like and know a lot about, but also one that your audience might be interested in
  • Ensure your speech has a good structure — beginning, middle, end
  • Have a message or a point of view in your speech
  • Be original. That’s what distinguishes one speech from others

Students will be judged according to the following criteria:

ContentRelevance of subject matter
Sequenced thoughts
Use of appropriate language
Evidence of student work
DeliveryEye contact
Use of palm cards
Engagement with audience/5
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