Our year three classes visited some local historic sites this week in conjunction with learning about our convict past and the pioneers who settled our town. We went to St Thomas’ Anglican Church, which contains 365,000 convict built bricks. We learned that the convicts had to stand at the back and be guarded by soldiers, whilst the wealthy people, or those wanting to show prestige, rented a box to sit in for worship.
We enjoyed learning about the three ships that sailed into Port with 60 convicts and officers on board. The Mermaid, Lady Nelson and Prince Regent were the ships. Boat harbour was made by the convicts who chiselled away the rocks to make a safe place for landing when the bar could not be crossed. We learned about Major Archibald McClunes Innes who had a big estate which is now in ruins (Innes Ruins).
At the cemetery, we saw many names for which local streets are named….Kemp, Crummer, Tozer, Warlters and many others.
We are glad we got the opportunity to visit these local places to learn about our past. Even though it was a very wet day, the rain stopped any time we had to be outdoors! We were lucky to have such good volunteer parents to help us out, and terrific volunteers who gave up their time at each of these places to teach us so many interesting facts. Some of the students want to ask their parents if they can visit these places again to explore for longer!