From the Principal

Environment Education

Colour coded bins
Solar panels
No plastic straws
Chairman’s Climate Forum
Vegetable gardens
Water testing
Sustainability and Environment Centre
Water recycling
Tree planting

These are a few of the things our school is doing to model environmental responsibility to our students.

It is all very nice, but unless we educate our students to become responsible citizens what have we really achieved?

Our  goal: Socially responsible, financially responsible and environmentally responsible young people who will serve our community and our world.

“All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made”. John 1:3

St Columba recognises that environmental awareness is not only necessary for the stewardship of our planet, but will offer our students the opportunity to be part of the solution to environmental issues, rather than part of the problem.

Part of this process will be allowing our students to learn in a “hands-on” fashion how our world works and what they can do to show their stewardship of our world for themselves and those who follow them.

“You shall not defile the land in which you live.” Numbers 35:34

This will be achieved through:

  • a whole school approach to environmental and scientific education
  • access for all students to age appropriate environmental education
  • access to knowledge and research skills
  • allowing connection between classroom learning and hands-on experience
  • opportunities to put theory into practice
  • linking technology to environmental and scientific solutions.

No one thinks it is easy being green in an increasingly “disposable” society, but we will offer our students the knowledge that will allow them to, should they choose, make responsible environmental choices in their lives.

Looking at the scientific facts that show what will happen if we do not act in effective stewardship of our world, this seems like an education that really will change the future.

Mr Terry Muldoon
Principal, St Columba Anglican School
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