From the Principal

Who is teaching what?

“NSW Department of Education analysis has previously shown that pupils whose teachers were qualified in a subject discipline had higher HSC marks than those taught by a non-specialist.”

Thank you to all the qualified, experienced and specialist teachers at St Columba.

 In the midst of a teacher shortage “crisis,” the fact that you have been willing to offer your skills, knowledge and experience to our students makes us a standout school.

Our teachers all teach in their field of expertise.

Unlike in many schools:

Out of field teaching statistics
Subject area    Out-of-field teaching rate*

Technology                                 44%
Humanities                                  37%
Health/Physical Education      35%
Mathematics                              33%
Languages other than English 27%
Performance Arts                      27%
English                                          25%
Science                                         24%

Source: AITSL (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership)

Our teachers come to us qualified and experienced and then they keep learning so that they can offer the very best teaching to our students.

“One in three high school maths teachers has not received specific training in the subject, with the rates surging to higher levels in physics, chemistry, biology and technology, new data reveals.”

“The danger is that students simply won’t get the depth of learning because to teach a subject well you need to know the subject well, and you need to understand how kids learn that subject… schools in regional and remote areas struggle more to attract and retain teachers with specialist qualifications.”

We do not ask our staff to teach outside their areas of expertise.

We hire and support the very best educators in the state because  “The quality of teaching in the classroom is the most important in-school determinant of student learning, so it’s really important that schools can find the right teachers with the right skills.”

And that’s one of the key reasons why we continue to be the most outstanding regional school in the state.

Great teaching!

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