The Iona Talented Athlete Program (ITAP) is a sports excellence initiative aimed at talented sporting students at SCAS. ITAP was established to support athletes while studying at SCAS and to provide specialised learning opportunities.
ITAP is designed to enhance the sporting performance of students selected, by developing a holistic approach to their athletic development. A successful athlete needs to focus not only on skill development but nutrition, goal setting, motivation, correct recovery, leadership, cross training, tactics strategy, injury prevention and rehabilitation.
ITAP has 3 pathways for students – Elite Program, Emerging Athlete Program and Team Program. Athletes placement within these programs is reviewed annually.
Elite Athlete Program – This is a scholarship program and allows students access to all school based ITAP activities.
- The ITAP Elite Athlete Program is open to Students in Years 7 and 12 who demonstrate a dedication to pursuing excellence in sport. (Younger students are eligible to apply at the discretion of the K-12 Sports and Activities Manager)
- Students are expected to be participating at a high level in their chosen sport/s.
- Students are expected to be spending a minimum of 5 hours per week (outside of school) training, travelling and competing in their chosen sports/s. These activities should be directed under the instruction of an appropriately qualified coach.
Emerging Athlete Program – This program attracts a fee to participate in ITAP activities.
- The ITAP Emerging Athlete Program is open to students in year groups 7 to 12 who demonstrate a dedication to pursuing excellence in sport.
- Students are expected to be participating at a representative level in their chosen sport/s.
- Students are expected to be spending a minimum of 5 hours per week (outside of school) training, travelling and competing in their chosen sports/s. These activities should be directed under the instruction of an appropriately qualified coach.
Teams Program – This program attracts a fee related to the sport.
- The ITAP Teams Program is open to selected players participating in SCAS targeted sports. Targeted Sports are available to students from year groups 3 to 12.
- Trials will be conducted for each sport at the nominated times.
ITAP aims to develop the whole athlete through a series of sessions that run throughout the school year. Sessions may include:
- ITAP elective class (year groups 9 and 10 only);
- Mentoring;
- Fitness testing and data comparisons;
- Sport recovery sessions;
- Professional coaching sessions;
- Strength and Conditioning coaching;
- Motivational speakers;
- Attendance at major sporting events and training (additional cost TBC).
Successful Applicants will need to:
- Demonstrate a commitment to the school’s core values of Care, Excellence and Citizenship;
- Show a commitment to representing the school in their chosen sport/s;
- Meet training expectations for teams and ITAP activities;
- Maintain a minimum Effort Grade of 2 throughout all subjects;
- Show respect to all school staff, coaches and peers;
- Abide by the school’s Code of Conduct policy.
Application Process
- Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the relevant ITAP pathway as stated above;
- Contact ITAP staff to get an application form;
- Complete the ITAP application form;
- All applicants will be notified by email if their application is progressing to the interview stage;
- All unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email and students will be provided with an opportunity to receive feedback.