Parent Information

Key 2021 Dates for Primary School

Primary School Camp program for 2021

At St Columba our goal is to make school camps rewarding and enriching experiences for every student.  We know that for some children, being away from their families can be challenging and perhaps daunting. However, we trust that you understand these experiences to be an important part of our curriculum, which cater to the social, physical and emotional development of your child.

The Year 2 Sleep Out program (5 November) and Year 1 Late Night (12 November) will aim to achieve many goals both in the educational sphere as well as in the areas of personal and social skill development. The camp will be an important part of preparing for the Year 3 compulsory camp program that will be off-site for two nights next year.  Students will return to school to talk and reflect on their camp experience. Coping with one’s personal care and hygiene, organising clothing and belongings and eating food prepared beyond the home are all sound learning opportunities. For our younger students it is the difference of a day’s learning outside the classroom that creates the excitement and challenge. Please speak with Sarah Jones (Stage 1 Coordinator) if your child requires additional support. 

Year 6 students will be visiting Canberra in Term 2 (17 May – 21 May). This five day camp experience will ensure our students understand the importance of democracy in the development of our nation and also significant places such as the Australian War Memorial and National Gallery of Australia.

Years 3, 4 and 5 will have a three day outdoor education experience at various locations in Term 1 2021 (8 March – 10 March). This is an important component of our program as it is an opportunity to make new friends, build the cohesion of the primary classes and have heaps of fun. Great Aussie Bush Camp ( and Camp Somerset are both excellent providers who will work with our staff to ensure a fantastic experience for our students. In 2021 we will offer a ‘sleep in’ on Thursday 11 March for our camp staff and students. Students are asked to arrive for Long Break at 10:50am. We will have supervision for students who are at school in Periods 1 and 2.

Grandparents Day 2021

Our Grandparents are one of  the most vulnerable members of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is for this reason that we have moved the day to 13 September 2021. It is hoped by this date that there are reduced restrictions on travel and it will be safer to have visitors on campus.

Professional Development Staff Days 2021

Recently, Mr Muldoon wrote to all families to advise them of two Pupil Free days in 2021 (28 and 31 May). Staff appreciate the inconvenience of these days but thank parents for their support. Teachers will work together in collegial teams and develop the innovative and exciting Deeper Learning programs that are a part of our student offerings.

Ms Shannon Rosewood
Head of Primary

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