St Columba Anglican School students aiming to break The Big Vegie Crunch record!
Get ready for The Big Vegie Crunch! On Thursday 30 March at 9:50am our school will be joining hundreds of schools across NSW to break the record for the most students crunching vegetables simultaneously. But we need your help to make it a success!
On Thursday 30 March, please pack your child a container of vegetables (not fruit this time) for them to crunch on.
Need some ideas?
- carrot, celery, cucumber – cut into sticks or left whole
- capsicum – cut into sticks or wedges
- corn – raw baby corn spears or a cooked corn cob
- broccoli or cauliflower florets – raw or lightly cooked to keep their crunch
- tomatoes – small cherry tomatoes or a large tomato that can be eaten like an apple
- beans or snow peas – raw or lightly cooked to keep their crunch
- mushrooms – sliced or left whole
School Competition
Vegetable Week needs a mascot! In this year’s school competition, we will be looking for the most fun, cool and creative design. The winning mascot will be featured in promotional material and resources for Vegetable Week 2024.
Prizes: The winning school receives a $400 Vegie Voucher, the winning student will win their mascot printed on totebags for their whole class! The two runner-up schools will each receive a $250 Vegie Voucher.
SCAS students will be able to complete their drawings and enter into the competition in the Library from Monday 27 March to Friday 31 March.
About the Healthy Kids Association
Healthy Kids Association is encouraging NSW children to eat more vegetables as part of Vegetable Week & The Big Vegie Crunch.
Dr Nienke de Vlieger is the Healthy Kids Association Senior Project Manager and has a Phd in childhood nutrition. In her research she found that fun, interactive, school-based events – such as Vegetable Week & The Big Vegie Crunch – can help increase the variety and amount of vegetables kids eat.
“If children are shown at a young age to eat and love vegetables, it is very likely they will continue doing so as they grow up” says Dr de Vlieger. “Vegetable Week & The Big Vegie Crunch introduces children to vegetables in an interactive, educational and fun way. Kids will learn best through events like this; where positive role-modelling and peer influence is at the center of the education.”
Statistics show that only one in 20 primary school aged children are eating the recommended daily serves of vegetables. Vegetable Week, featuring the The Big Vegie Crunch, is a free, quick and easy school-based event for NSW primary schools. Making healthy eating fun can help children learn about vegetables and build positive eating habits for the whole family.
The Big Vegie Crunch 2023 is on track to exceed over 110,000 children from 500 primary schools across NSW taking part in the event, all eating vegetables at the same time and aiming to break the Crunch record.
Follow Vegetable Week & the Big Vegie Crunch at facebook.com/healthykids.au