
The Easter Hat Parade

Our Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 students took part in a wonderful, colourful and exciting Easter Hat Parade on Wednesday the 5th of April. Children, along with help from their families, designed and made incredible and diverse hats to celebrate Easter, and they strutted around the Iona Centre with smiles on their faces to the beat of the music.

Mrs Templeton was the host of the parade and entertained us with interesting facts and funny/punny Easter jokes. The Stage One choir, lead by Mrs Erga, proudly sang,‘ Three Little Fishies’ and ‘Goliath’. The whole of Stage One also sang, ’Lord I Lift Your Name On High’, a song that they have been singing in Chapel.

The Easter Hat Parade was a wonderful chance to invite the wider SCAS community to share in the celebration of Easter fun, and to remember the hope we have because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

View photos from the parade on our School facebook page here, and the video below.

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