
‘The Protectors’ Brainstorm Theatre Performance

Stage 1 enjoyed a fabulous, engaging performance, ‘The Protectors’ by Brainstorm Productions. The overarching message was to develop strategies to protect oneself against bullying, out in the playground or online as well as strengthening self-esteem.

The children were mesmerised by the two-person performance featuring characters Leo and Serena. Leo was a loner in the playground, he was very sad. His only friend was a pet lizard. He didn’t know how to protect himself from the bullies. Every time they said something or hurt him, he would worry and negative thoughts would consume him. Leo joined the Protectors School to gain super strength to fight off the bullies. There he met Serena, who became his friend despite, at times, being bossy and mean. Together they navigated their way through dealing with bullies. The show was interactive and the set constantly changed, maintaining the students’ attention and encouraging audience participation.

The production explored important life lessons including how negative thoughts can result in negative behaviours, how to be empathetic and how to understand and employ body language.

Students were encouraged to chant some clear and simple messages: ‘No harm will be done by my actions, words or mind. I choose the light not the dark for myself and humankind,’ ‘Don’t tease, freeze and breathe’ and ‘Say sorry if you have hurt someone’ and stretching out your arms to surround yourself from bullies with a ‘Protect Shield’ using your ‘Protector Tools’ (strategies).

The message was very clear: don’t be a bully or a victim, stand up for what is right, be an upstander, not a bystander – at school and online. Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.

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