This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118: 24
Easter celebrates the power of God’s infinite love. No one is excluded. True, God is found in the joys in life. He is found in all that is Good, True and Beautiful. These things we can celebrate and be grateful for, but God goes further than this. He also went to places that are darker. He experienced challenges, suffering and pain on a cross. This is the meaning of the crucifix.
Crucifix is a Latin word meaning ‘fixed to a cross’. Jesus is fixed to a cross. He is crucified. Without the crucifix, there is no cross.
The Good News is that God’s journey to us is completed on the cross in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. This means something fundamentally important. It is this. Whatever our challenges, whatever our pain, God’s light has been there first. That He has gone into the darkness and shone a light there. We are not alone. He is with us!
Further, God calls us to continue to shine his light on darkness in the world. To bring light and life to those around us, to reach out to those who are lost and suffering and reveal the face of Jesus to them. We are called to be his ray of salvation, to reveal his peace and compassion.
Lift high the cross and happy Easter, may God’s joyful light shine on your life and all those you love.