As a part of our extended NAIDOC Celebrations, students from Kindergarten to Year 10 will be working with Indigenous musician Scott Darlow. Parents are welcome to attend one of the workshops and should contact the Primary or Secondary Office if they wish to have more information about the sessions. These sessions will be held on the following days:
Tuesday 2 August – Secondary
Friday 5 August – Primary

Since entering the Australian music scene in 2003, Yorta Yorta descendent Scott Darlow has been a mainstay of Australia’s Indigenous and independent music industry. The versatile singer-songwriter, guitarist, and didgeridoo player has sold more than 50,000 albums worldwide and has extensively toured Australia, Asia and the USA.
Darlow is a passionate Indigenous activist and World Vision spokesperson, regularly speaking in schools, businesses and churches across Australia about his indigenous culture, Australian history, racial tolerance, harmony and important social matters. His key word “FLUTE” (Forgiveness, Love, Understanding, Tolerance and Empathy) has become so popular that schools and businesses have included it in their curriculums and charters.
St Columba is committed to reconciliation and increasing knowledge and understanding of the histories, cultures and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First Peoples of Australia, and we look forward to Scott joining us for these workshops.