
Year 9 English Classes Visit and Work with Year 4 and 5 Students

The Craft of Writing: Whole School Focus on Writing Improvement

As part of a school-wide focus on writing improvement, students in Year 1 to Year 10 have been utilising the tools of the Seven Steps Writing Programme. This programme uses seven “building blocks” to great writing, isolating writing skills into seven individual steps. Students gain confidence and skill in each step or building block and then bring this together to craft and create engaging pieces of writing. As teachers we have been excited by the positive effect this is having on our students writing; we are seeing significant growth and development of vital literacy skills.

On Friday 13th April, Year 9 English classes visited with 4G and 5J students to work together to plan and craft a piece of writing. The Year 4 and 5 students buddied up with the Year 9 students, and during a one hour lesson, Year 9 assisted Year 4 and 5 students with crafting and editing their stories.

This was a highly positive and enjoyable experience for all involved. Acting as tutors and mentors, the Year 9 students impressed with their knowledge and guidance. The Primary students responded enthusiastically, and felt their stories had improved at the conclusion of the lesson because of the close conferencing and collaboration. Year 9 also enjoyed the experience and found it beneficial to the refinement of their own skills.

Watching the students interact and engage with each other so positively and fruitfully was a lovely thing to witness. This was clearly a formative and valuable learning experience for all involved. We look forward to further facilitating this shared learning across the Primary and Secondary School next term and beyond.

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